Completely on your side. I am trying to do my part to help people realize that doctors are dangerous and the best cure for all disease is good nutrition. The medical profession has no nutritional training that could really help people far more than their dangerous drugs and procedures. We are still in the Dark Ages as far as health care is concerned.
I came across medical students in my time of tertiary education and I found them a pompous bunch, more concerned about money and status than about any old oaths they took.
I have attached a piece from my unfinished web site. I hope to be able to do my part in correcting this health care sham. Actually I sent your “One Answer To Cancer” DVD to the Nutrition Facts team in the US. They are the ones that did that “More Than An Apple a Day” DVD that was mentioned in my attachment. I have a bit of an ear there.
Hi Dr Baz,
What a shame all strands of health care can’t work together! We are all individuals, and what works for one person may not work for another. There is no “one solution “ to any health problem.
There are many orthodox trained doctors who have shunned the “accepted” treatments promoted by medical schools because they simply didn’t work. What is so wrong with someone who promotes diet & lifestyle changes to alleviate chronic conditions. The health budget is exploding, so have you ever wondered why? Traditional drug cures often don’t work. Your analogy re an accident case is silly, as no-one is promoting alternative treatment in such a case. My observations have been that both hospitals & doctors do not suggest diet & exercise as an adjunct to or a substitute to taking a drug for ailments. The general population is quite ignorant about how diet & exercise affect their health, so doctors should promote it, more like the older style doctors did when I was a kid & before the numerous drug company reps started attending doctors surgeries.
How about adopting a live & let live attitude to alternative opinions instead of your “we are always right” attitude, as the way you finish your email to Elaine sounds more like a muslim attitude than a Christian one.
P.S. Elaine’s book got me on the road to recovery from a very dark place (which the doctors ignored) & encouraged me to do my own research on health matters. My health has improved incredibly as a result.
Kind regards,
* * *
Dear Very Bored Dr Baz,
I am completely disgusted with the medical industry in Australia!!
The doctors that I have had the misfortune to visit are under educated and arrogant!
In 2011, I had 14 different doctors, that’s right 14, over 16 days in hospital, inject me with both Maxalon and Tramadol at the same time.
The Tramadol fact sheet for physicians clearly states that doing so will increase the risk of stroke by 90%
I was basically forced into a colonoscopy that I didn’t need, because doctors would not listen to me, and ended up vomiting over 10 kilos of blood due to being cut by the endoscope, and then sent home without treatment. When I arrived back at the hospital, 12 hours after the colonoscopy with a horse food bucket full of blood that I had vomited, the doctor on duty tried to tell me I had Giardia.
I recently asked my GP for some serological tests. Being a full time dog groomer for 25 years I was concerned about the possibility of a few zoonotics for which I believe my symptoms match. I was informed by my GP quote “There is no such thing as tapeworm in Australia”
I work in a vet clinic. You should have heard the laughter from the veterinarians and nurses. They couldn’t believe it considering every one of them has literally pulled tapeworms out of dogs bums.
I’m sorry that you feel that what you do is helping people, and I hope one day you see the light and become a healer rather than a criminal who poisons, cuts and burns.
Very Sincerely
Doctors are Evil!
Dear Baz,
It is very disappointing that you do not have the courage to show your real name under your attacking email to Elaine. You must be feeling guilty and you probably are one of those dangerous doctors that she’s warned us about.
After 25 years of working as a registered nurse I am very much disillusioned with the medical profession.
I have met too many doctors who do just as much harm as they do good to their patients, including prescribing Aldara to the elderly over 65 and for lesions on body parts that should not have been treated with Aldara.
And for many doctors the money is more important than the health of their client. For example one day, as an associate charge nurse in a nursing home, I called the doctor for a resident I was concerned about. He was not prepared to come, but when I mentioned that the client was on the DVA gold card, he didn’t hesitate. And that is not an isolated incidence, I have been appalled by a doctor’s conduct more than once. Lucky I now have found a good doctor for myself, who takes his time for the consultation, looks at me instead of the computer, draws explanations on the path results, and uses natural medicine where possible. And for my thyroid he recommended to take Lugol’s solution! So even after reading Elaine’s book and selling about 30 copies of it, I have not lost my faith in the medical profession. And I know some very good surgeons, but unfortunately among the general practioners there are many that should give up their dependence on the pharmaceutical industry and do what they vowed to do when the took the Hippocratic oath:
I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.
So the doctors are supposed to prescribe for the good of the patient, and not for the good of big pharma that gives them heaps of freebies.
Elaine has done some very good research and I reckon you are wasting your time trying to fight her. You should rather use your time better and be the best doctor you can, as it was intended when you took the Hippocratic Oath. If you do that, you won’t have to fear anything from Elaine’s book, articles and website.