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Bill O’Leary’s Story

That small red patch on the top of my nose is a skin cancer. To be specific, it is a Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC). I earned it, as I’m from Queensland, Australia, and spent much of my childhood in the sun. Then I moved to Phuket, Thailand, and have been working in the tourist yachting industry for 23 years. Lots more sun, of course. I wasn’t concerned, but my wife, Carolyn, and sister-in-law, Catherine, were really worried. so I finally got a biopsy, and was given the above diagnosis. Click here to continue reading.



Applied Skin Cancer Experimental Treatment            
The information in this section of explores a single case of skin cancer treated with healing clay, cansema, and colloidal silver. Please note that the images included are very graphic . This study is freely provided as a public information service. While many skin cancers treated with Cansema (Black Salve) are not as severe as the one this study documents, we strongly suggest a clinical diagnosis by a qualified medical practitioner, and if necessary qualified assistance from a licensed doctor practicing alternative medicine. 



A message from the Founder and Director of the Nutritional Oncology Research Institute:  Many exciting developments are occurring in the field of nutritional oncology.  My own research and observations of our clinical studies has convinced me that there are very safe and effective ways to treat cancer without the use of surgery, toxic chemotherapy and radiation.  I am most excited about the outcomes of our clinical studies using high dose selenium. This treatment protocol has demonstrated remarkable outcomes for many different forms of cancer and for patients with metastatic disease Mark Simon, CN                            
Mark Simon has a diverse background in many scientific, biomedical and engineering fields.  Mark’s primary focus is on developing natural and non-toxic cancer therapies. Mark has been studying nutrition and alternative medicine for the past 30 years.  His research on cancer has been very intense for the past 8 years.


Dr. Tullio Simoncini is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. Based on years of scientific and clinical research, at the centre of every cancer tumour is a common fungus, Candida albicans. The good news is that it can be treated with a powerful antifungal agent that’s inexpensive and readily available.


An account of Black Salve application to a mole and the documented results, accompanied by pictures. 

Visit the Black Salve Facebook page to share your stories and experiences. Read about, and connect with, others who have used this salve.

Specialising in high quality herbs and powders for your health needs.



Australian made natural health products.

Community Support and Education

Drug Addiction Support


  Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation® is a non-profit education foundation committed to reversing the trend of declining health in our modern world.


Pain Relief

Freedom from Chronic Pain: Foot to Brain Connection:   Holistic, non-invasive approach to permanently eliminate chronic muscle and joint pain – without drugs or surgery with Professor Rothbart. 
Rub On Relief ®   contains only natural healing ingredients and contains no chemicals, preservatives or junk that can be toxic to your body. There are NO side effects. NO stomach upset. NO adverse reactions.  It is so safe you can use it on your children or grandchildren age 12 and up.

Water Health

The Australian Fluoridation News  raises the awareness of both sides of water fluoridation. Governments in the few remaining fluoridated countries (such as Australia) rarely publish or talk about certain issues with fluoridation, so the AFN publishes them to inform and educate Australians. The AFN is distributed to libraries, parliaments and members THROUGHOUT Australia and overseas.

Fluoride Action Network The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) seeks to broaden awareness about the toxicity of fluoride compounds among citizens, scientists, and policymakers alike. FAN not only provides comprehensive and up-to-date information, but remains vigilant in monitoring government agency actions that impact the public’s exposure to fluoride.

Animal Health

  Holistic Animal Medicine  ~ Natural Animal Medicine

Holistic Animal Medicines are the manufacturer of a unique range of natural animal remedies or pet medication that is not found anywhere else in the world. They manufacture effective medication from herbs for all pets including dogs, horses and other animals. 

Ph: 1300 132 966, Fax: 1300 855 183,  Email:

Herbal Horse: Naturally ~ The Best 

Offering horse riders a natural alternative to their horses and their own health care, as well as helping them make informed, educated health choices.


