The Truth About Vaccinations
From Elaine’s book…
- According to What Doctors Don’t Tell You, “The chances of getting cervical cancer due to HPV infection in any given year are eight times greater than your risk of being struck and killed by an asteroid or about the same as being fatally electrocuted.” Yet millions of teenage girls are being vaccinated, many experiencing severe adverse effects and even death, and manufacturers have failed to prove the vaccine prevents cervical cancer. Now unscrupulous Big Pharma claim that all boys should receive this vaccine as well. So, watch out!
- Flu vaccines are nearly useless in preventing flu, and the shots weaken the immune system, making victims more predisposed to illnesses. Severe nervous system damage from the injections can take years for the body to repair, if it can be repaired at all. Side effects from the vaccines include headaches, muscle pain, fever, exhaustion and a bad case of, you guessed it, the flu, and sometimes even pneumonia.
- It has been revealed that Eli Lilly & Co. have known for decades that their mercury-based vaccine preservative thimerosal caused neurological injury to infants. Reports have surfaced linking thimerosal to mercury poisoning in infants – often causing autism.
- Authors Coulter and Fisher provide strong evidence in A Shot in the Dark that DPT vaccine causes encephalitis, and state that 12,000 to 15,000 cases of severe neurological damage are caused by childhood vaccines each year in the US.
Sites and Articles for more information…
Melanie’s Marvellous Measles This book takes children aged 4 – 10 years on a journey of discovering about the ineffectiveness of vaccinations, while teaching them to embrace childhood disease, heal if they get a disease, and build their immune systems naturally. Available for A$16.95 plus A$2.00 postage from here now. (All prices in Australian dollars) Visit to order your copy. |
Doctors and Nurses Love to Inject, by Mark Sircus
Vaccines, Thimerosal and Autism – Attack on Mothers, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
Gardasil – my error is the smoking gun – Dec 2007, Newsletter
Studies have shown a statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates. Read more…