Maca Powder
The following excerpt from Nature and Health Magazine explains why we recommend Maca strongly.
“Maca is a dehydrated, cruciferous root vegetable, and not a drug. It is a benign, medicinal food that has been in use for 10,000 years, possibly more, and has had ample time to be judged. It is also easily affordable, costing only a few dollars per month. It increases bone strength substantially and eases menopausal symptoms, menstrual irregularities, impotence, depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.”
Many readers wrote to Nature & Health, after their report, to share the experiences they had with this natural remedy. You can read them here.
Our Maca is harvested in the Bombon Plateau, of Peru, more than 13,800 feet above sea level. This feature makes this Maca a source of high strength and vital power, which is transmitted to those who consume it. A study done in the 1980s showed that people from the Bombon Plateau have much less disease and live longer than people in the rest of the country. The excellent health of that population, despite the harsh climate and altitude, is attributed to Maca consumption.
Our Maca is Super Premium Maca Powder, 100% pure, organically grown. It includes 25% guaranteed Red and Black Maca. See below for its uses and benefits.
USES: Increases vigor, helps to reduce stress and depresion; increases fertility, reduces menopausal and andropausal symptoms, excellent geriatric tonic energy booster, homeostatic, antioxidant, adaptogenic
MACA – RED – Red Maca is a super variety of Maca that has proven to improved bone density and reduce prostate inflammation.
TRADITIONAL USE – Osteoporosis, Menopause, Stress, Energy, Mood, Aphrodisiac
MODERN RESEARCH – Osteoporosis, Prostatitis, Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, Antioxidant, UV protection, Immune system
MACA – BLACK – Improves intellectual function and fertility. It also inhibits Acetyl Cholinesterase, an enzyme related to the reduction of cognition skills and Alzheimer’s.
TRADITIONAL USE – Stress, Mood, Menopause, Fertility, Aphrodisiac
MODERN RESEARCH – Improves intellectual performance, Improves memory, Improves mental speed, Reduces stress, Depression, Reduces menopausal symptoms, Improves fertility and libido, antioxidant, Improves immune system, Improves academic performance, Improves labor performance.