Women who dramatically improve their diets find, to their amazement, that their periods immediately become light and painless. If they continue eating well, they will never suffer from problem periods again, will have no PMT, and will experience an easy menopause. Even fibroids, so common today, melt away when a good diet is followed religiously, provided oestrogen is discontinued and the right kind of natural progesterone is used. But be warned: those who continue their bad habits are courting cancer. Wait too long, ladies, and hysterectomy may be your only option.
It is a crime against the female sex that medical schools (financed by drug companies) do not teach proper nutrition.
If they did, physicians would teach women how to avoid turning their bodies into garbage disposals, and hysterectomies would be a relic of the past.
Read more about Hysterectomies in Chapter Eleven of “Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry”