Your Life : Your Health

Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry
Millions of people are suffering needlessly as a direct result of the food industry and the drug manufacturers’ unconscionable zeal to earn hundreds of billions of dollars, aided and abetted by scientists who have been paid handsomely to fudge, even falsify, test results.

“Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry” reveals damning evidence of the lengths to which corporations and governments will go in order to maintain high levels of profitability, regardless of their often catastrophic effects on the health of those they claim to serve. But there is more to this book than attacks on big business and the medical and health industries.

Throughout its pages you will discover well-researched and proven alternatives to expensive medication and surgical procedures, as well as learning about commonly held “beliefs” and even maladies that are nothing more than the inventions of marketing experts to help sell more products.

This remarkable book will show you how to:

Determine which foods and which minerals build bone mass
Prevent/reverse osteoporosis
Substitute safe remedies for dangerous HRT
Avoid food and beverages that cause bones to dissolve
Avoid/reverse female (and male) complaints without drugs
Prevent/reverse impotence and prostate illnesses
Use simple, natural remedies for many common ailments
Discover the only progesterone that is effective, does not contain preservatives, and costs a few cents per day
Banish constipation
Rejuvenate your skin naturally
Banish brain fog
Prevent breast cancer
Sail through menopause, drug-free
Avoid a commonly prescribed drug that creates severe spinal degeneration, even in the young
Get a mineral that halts 40-50% of calcium loss
Get a Peruvian root vegetable that has been used for millennia to promote bone density and make menopause easy, and costs a few cents a day
Plus much more…

You will learn why:

Synthetic progesterones must be shunned
Widely-prescribed synthetic thyroid drugs cause bone loss
Prostatic specific antigen (PSA) tests can be hazardous
Widely-advertised menopausal ‘aids’ can be harmful
Mammograms contribute to cancer
Sodium fluoride (in many water supplies) leads to osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s Disease and cancer
Polyunsaturated oils contribute to heart disease
Olive oil and coconut oil are healthful
Osteoporosis drugs are dangerous and ineffective
Cholesterol hysteria is based on propaganda
Milk and calcium tablets do not promote strong bones and can cause serious health problems
All soya bean products, especially soy milk, leach calcium from bones, depress the thyroid gland and create havoc in the body
Plus much more…
“Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry” (Twelfth Edition) is available in Paperback.
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