Are you looking for simple ways to increase your immunity? Start applying these Hippocrates principles today to achieve quality health for the rest of your life.

Get outdoors and into the sun. For twenty to thirty minutes daily, get direct and/or indirect sunlight. The best times are before 11:00 a.m. and after 1:00 p.m. Allow full-spectrum sunlight to enter your eyes by not wearing sunglasses during this time. The sun is the most powerful immune system builder.

Consume adequate oxygen. Put yourself in or near oxygen-rich environments—oceans, forests, running streams, greenhouses—and breathe deeply. Eat plenty of oxygen-rich green foods. If you are indoors for most of the day, get an ionizer at

Drink pure water, 2L per day. See

Eat a totally vegan diet comprised of 75 percent plus raw food by volume. Sprouts and green vegetables are the most balanced and nourishing choices.

Drink freshly made beverages from sprouted green vegetables, and other organic vegetables, twice daily.

Stop using immune-suppressing ingredients. These include refined sugars and flours, dairy products, heated oils, as well as food preservatives, additives, stabilizers, and colorings.

Avoid BBQd, microwaved and fried foods, which can suppress the immune system and lead to cancers and circulatory diseases.

Eliminate alcohol and drugs — gradually. Alcohol and drugs do not mix, except to undermine our immune systems.

Exercise moderately. Engage in stretching, aerobic, and resistance exercises at least five times a week for thirty to sixty minutes a day.

Get adequate rest. Sleep and rest help to recharge the immune system. As part of this strategy, rest the entire body once a week on a 24 hour juice-and-water fast. This enables the immune system to do a weekly cleanup.

Keep a smile on your face. Maintaining a positive attitude is key to having a belief system that supports immunity. Music, laughter, friends and surrounds all help.

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