Ebook – The Truth About Fats and Oils


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The Truth About 



Don’t Be Seduced by the Glossy Ads; 

eating polyunsaturated oils is like injecting 

liquid plastic into your veins.

What you will read regarding oils in this book is not what the food chemists want you to know about, or what the expensive ads postulate. This information flies in the face of the “conventional wisdom”, which may be conventional, but certainly isn’t wise: all of the oils which are now promoted as healthful, are not. In fact, they are dangerous. In order to maintain your health, shun these hyped, manufactured, oxidised, chemicalized products.

Bonus Ebook  : Alzheimer’s Disease 
and the benefits of Coconut Oil.

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Weight -1 kg
Dimensions -1 × -1 × -1 cm

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